The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) published an outbreak assessment on 29th March 2023 to communicate that the risk of poultry exposure to avian influenza in Great Britain has lowered.
The results have changed since the last outbreak assessment on 15th March 2023. In areas where suboptimal biosecurity measures are arranged, there is now a medium chance (with high uncertainty) for poultry to contract avian influenza, where previously the risk was classed as high (with low uncertainty). This change does take into consideration the reduction of the wild bird risk, where the risk level was reduced from very high to high on the 15th March, where positive cases were nine times less than the figures noted at the peak of Winter 2022.
Since 9th March 2023, there have been no reported cases of HPAI Infected Premises (IPs). In areas that follow stringent biosecurity measures, the risk of poultry exposed to avian influenza is maintained at low (with high uncertainty).
Defra continues to carefully monitor the situation, review the risks and announce any changes.
In their report, Defra said “It is particularly important that stringent adherence to good biosecurity practices is still maintained, particularly with the onset of cold and wet weather. Reinforcement of good biosecurity awareness behaviours and practices should be a constant reminder to all personnel working with birds, any lapse of these measures could still easily result in disease being introduced to poultry and captive birds.”
How can Livetec help with managing risks?
It is important that good biosecurity measures are installed and maintained to prevent poultry, mammals, including humans and any other animal contracting avian influenza. Livetec has over a decade of experience in providing excellent on-farm biosecurity measures and provisions. Our experts offer great advice, services and tailored plans which adhere to government regulations. These plans include:
- Biosecurity Plan
- Cleaning and Disinfection Plan
- Contingency Plan
- Emergency (Outbreak) Response Plan
- National Outbreak Plan
For more information, click here.
Livetec’s Biosecurity Advisory Service offers a unique resource. Our experts can provide practical on-farm biosecurity guidance to farm businesses over the course of a day, giving you helpful solutions that protect livestock, livelihoods and reputations.
For further information, request a call with a Biosecurity Advisor today by filling out the contact form here.