In December 2022, Red Tractor announced they would be increasing their inspections from 12 months to every nine months. This would have involved introducing a new framework of remote and physical assessments to their existing poultry audit cycle.
The assurance scheme explained the reason behind this unpopular proposal, was that it would show the industry’s commitment to bird safety and welfare. The scheme also cited that an increase of scrutiny in British agriculture and food production, as well as consumer confidence, were also factors.
The new audit regime was due to start in March 2023 but after strong industry opposition to the decision, Red Tractor has announced that this change has been reversed.
After discussions between Red Tractor, processors and industry bodies from the poultry sector, it was agreed that the poultry audit scheme would be further modified. Taking into account the challenges of on-farm audits for all concerned, it was decided that:
- Premises will have a minimum of one audit across a 12 month period.
- A site will not be able to go more than a 24 month period without a physical assessment taking place on-farm.
- An audit in the last 72 hours before a depopulation under housing order restrictions will be allowed.
- Farms which demonstrated robust compliance to the standards would have an option for a remote audit in the following 12 months.
How can Livetec help with Red Tractor compliance
Livetec have been building the future of on-farm biosecurity for over a decade.
Livetec’s biosecurity plans support poultry farmers with professional, practical, easy to apply solutions. Our experts have complete knowledge of the requirements of the assurance scheme and our plans and advice are fully compliant with the scheme and government regulations. These plans include:
- National Outbreak Plan
- Biosecurity Plan
- Contingency Plan
- Emergency (Outbreak) Response Plan
- Cleaning and Disinfection Plan
Find out more here.
Our new Biosecurity Advisory Service, the first service of its kind – provides expert, practical guidance from years of experience from working with APHA, Red Tractor, the NFU, industry research bodies and UK poultry farmers. It provides a lifeline to those who experience a disease outbreak, need help with the latest legislation, or simply need practical on-farm biosecurity advice.
Request a call today for biosecurity advice by contacting us here.
The award-winning Livetec NEX® – Approved by Red Tractor
No poultry farmer or backyard keeper wants to see the animals in their charge suffer. Nor should they.
Poultry suffer from a long list or diseases, not all of them are notifiable but still cause immense suffering and distress to the birds. The Livetec NEX® is approved by Red Tractor to provide a humane, clean, neck dislocation guarantee every time.
Buy the Livetec NEX® here.
To find out how the Livetec team can help you protect your animals and farm business contact us here.