
Nitrogen Foam Delivery System

A depopulation solution for large scale disease outbreaks

How do you humanely depopulate a large number of animals efficiently, whilst reducing stress for those who work on the farm?

The NFDS minimises pain and stress as it eliminates hypoxia, mitigates the need for excessive handling, and guarantees the absence of tracheal occlusion.

This product is currently being trialled, if you would like to register your interest or speak to a member of the team, please complete the enquiry form.

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Livetec on-farm products - Nitrogen Foam Delivery System

How does the Livetec NFDS work?

The problem

Although hypoxia, which occurs when the blood doesn’t carry enough oxygen to the tissues, is deemed an acceptable depletion and depopulation method for pigs and poultry worldwide, it is not used.

Using inert gases like nitrogen and argon in depopulation can be achieved.

But, why has it not been used for whole-house gassing? The reason is, how do you seal a house or shed and adequately eliminate the oxygen?

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The solution

Foam generators:

  • High standards of efficiency
  • Generating up to 50m3 (1765 CU ft) of high expansion nitrogen foam per minute


  • Animals loaded into relevant holding pen, trailer or building
  • Nitrogen is delivered as a gas-filled foam
  • The foam envelopes the animals eliminating oxygen
  • Animals are stunned within 1 minute, leading to anoxia
  • Foam blown away
  • The animals can be collected where they lay
  • The shed does not have to be sealed.

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The NFDS is made using modular units, which hold five key components.

Line drawing schematic of the Livetec Nitrogen Foam Delivery System (NFDS)

Livetec Farm products - Nitrogen Foam Delivery Systems Product Guide cover

The benefits of using the Livetec Nitrogen Foam Delivery System:

  • Effective solution for use with pigs and all species of poultry
  • Rapidly scalable for processing a higher volume of animals
  • Higher volume throughput per shift than any competitor
  • Modular and trailer mounted means rapid deployed anywhere in the country
  • Reduces stress on livestock producers and handlers
  • Adaptable for a range of scenarios from outbreak depopulation to processing
  • Easy to clean and disinfect allowing for a rapid redeployment

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