The planning rules for building on agricultural land are different to those for commercial or residential developments.
If you are looking to expand your farm’s storage space or increase the output of your farm business, a new shed is often needed. Planning permission can be a time consuming and frustrating aspect of the process. By using Permitted Development Rights (PDRs), you can avoid going through the full planning process. One thing to be aware of is that the barn has to be solely used for agricultural purposes
There are several Classes of PDRs that are available for use by a farm business. Class A is used for the development of the premise for improvements or enhancement to the agricultural business.
This type of planning application is cheap and much quicker than a usual planning application. There is often no public consultation, or at the very least consulting with the local parish council who rarely respond. If an application is refused, it is usually due to the appearance or location of the intended construction or it is detrimental to the environment.
When you need planning permission:
- If you want to use your land or buildings for a purpose other than farming
- You want to build a dwelling on the land
- If you are applying for a grant to fund the development
When you don’t need planning permission:
If your farm is five hectares or more and you are developing:
- For agricultural operations
- Buildings already on your land for farming purposes
- Making changes to the inside of a building or small alterations to the outside such as external lighting
- If the projects falls under permitted development rights
What can I do under permitted development rights?
- You can erect, extend or change a building
- Conduct excavations and engineering projects that are needed for agricultural purposes. NB: You still may need approval for certain parts of the development
What you should be aware of when planning your development
- Your land must be a minimum of five hectares in size
- The building must be for agricultural use
- The construction should not be the first building on the farm
- It cannot exceed 500 Sqm or 12 metres in height
- The development has to be 9 metres from the middle of any road
Before starting work on your project it is advisable to contact your local planning authority to make sure you are compliant before you start work.
How Livetec can help with your development
When expanding a farm business through a construction project you have to consider the ingress and egress point of any new building. Easy access is important for supplier deliveries, ease of access for feed, plenty of room for machinery and for the movement of livestock and their shelter.
When building a new barn the layout of your farm plays a big part in providing high biosecurity and is the ideal time to review your biosecurity protocols. Livetec have been advising farm businesses for a decade on farm biosecurity and how to protect their animals, business, people and reputation from a disease incursion.
Find out how the Livetec team can help protect your business by contacting us today.