In March 2024 it was confirmed that milk from dairy cows in Texas and Kansas had tested positive for avian influenza. This number had increased to 58 herds across the US by May 24th and the signs are that the spread continues.
It is believed to have originated in animal feed contaminated by bird faeces, nasal secretions or corpses from infected migratory birds. The virus is then believed to have spread throughout the herd via milking machines. Although not fatal (infected cows experience mild symptoms before making a recovery) if an outbreak is confirmed it will hold up milk production potentially resulting in serious financial problems for the farmers.
The risk of such potential financial consequences have raised fears that they might prevent farmers reporting an outbreak. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada said: “If you find cows that are positive on your farm, your reward for that is potentially financial ruin.”
A nationwide survey of retail milk found traces of the H5N1 virus in one in five samples tested. However, the US Department of Agriculture has assured the public that milk is safe to drink as it has been pasteurised.
Staying ahead of disease
Scientists in the US are still trying to figure out exactly how many states and herds are infected by H5N1 and potential routes for transmission: not only cow to cow but also beyond.
Continual monitoring and study of the disease’s evolution is vital to ensure that the most effective defences are placed to prevent it from developing.
Biosecurity remains the best form of defence
When it comes to any disease, the best form of defence is prevention.
Whether it’s to prevent avian influenza, salmonella or any other notifiable (or non-notifiable) disease), implementing and maintaining the most robust biosecurity measures is the most effective way to safeguard flocks and businesses.
As the leaders in biosecurity Livetec are the go-to partner to help protect livestock and livelihoods with our Biosecurity Advisory Service, and biosecurity plans. Find out more here.
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To find out more about how you can benefit from Livetec’s biosecurity services, contact our team here.