A recently published report from the Animal Welfare Committee (AWC) now recommends the use of high expansion nitrogen foam as an emergency depopulation method for poultry, following a successful demonstration by Livetec.
The AWC is an independent, expert committee with responsibility to report to UK governments on matters of animal welfare. Their remit was to investigate the efficacy and effectiveness of high expansion nitrogen foam culling in the event of notifiable disease outbreaks, specifically avian influenza.
New field trials conducted by Livetec in late 2023 of the latest version of the Nitrogen Foam Delivery System (NFDS), showed significant benefits over existing alternatives, from animal welfare, practicality and efficiency perspectives.
According to the report’s conclusions, “[g]overnment should authorise the use of high expansion nitrogen foam in emergencies as an effective method of culling poultry,” and that, “[i]t should be available for immediate deployment.”
What is high expansion nitrogen foam?
In the event of confirmation of a notifiable disease outbreak, culling will be required. One method of doing this is known as Whole House Gassing which has traditionally been done by filling the poultry shed with carbon dioxide.
There is now an alternative, more humane system.
Sheds containing diseased birds are filled with 100% nitrogen gas using large bubbles as a delivery mechanism. These nitrogen-filled foam bubbles quickly cover the birds. The submersion with the nitrogen foam results in a rapid exclusion of oxygen (anoxia) leading quickly to unconsciousness and death.
How is high expansion nitrogen foam an improvement?
Whole house depopulation methods require no handling, reducing stress on affected animals and the risk of zoonotic pathogens infecting staff.
Standard methods of mass culling typically involve the use of carbon dioxide, which is aversive to animals, often in short supply and a contributor to global warming.
These field trials showed high expansion nitrogen foam to be more effective and less averse than other methods. As per the report, “the use of high expansion nitrogen foam can offer reduced harms to poultry compared to other methods of depopulation.”
Close camera and sensor monitoring during the trial highlighted a decreased time to death and less distress for affected birds. High expansion nitrogen foam was also demonstrated to disperse quickly and allow for rapid clean up, offering a further advantage.
Julian Sparrey, Livetec’s Technical Director, believes this is an extremely important development for the industry:
“Having more tools in our arsenal for controlling devastating poultry disease outbreaks is essential. This system enables us to respond to outbreaks quickly and with a method demonstrated to be of the highest welfare standards possible, given the situation”
What is the history of high expansion nitrogen foam?
Whilst there are a range of culling methods approved by Defra to humanely kill birds on infected premises, they are generally focussed on Containerised Gassing Units (CGUs) and Whole House Gassing (WHG) with carbon dioxide, depending on the size of the flock and the site itself.
Previous studies have explored the concept of nitrogen as a culling before, including different types of expanding foam.
The high expansion nitrogen foam method developed by Livetec, initially in collaboration with the University of Glasgow and The Royal Veterinary College, was the focus of this study and, with the results from this trial, the AWC are now recommending that the system is available for use as a depopulation technique (from winter 2024/2025).
How are Livetec involved?
As leaders in livestock disease control and biosecurity, Livetec were approached by the UK’s Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) to lead field protocol testing and training with their own Nitrogen Foam Delivery System technology.
Livetec are leaders in the field of high expansion gas filled foam systems having developed and refined the NFDS system over several years, ensuring it is ready for emergency deployment to farms in the event of a disease outbreak.
In this case, Livetec led the field test for APHA of our technology, with AWC observers, resulting in their recommendation that high expansion nitrogen foam be adopted.
For Julian Sparrey, continual improvement of these systems is about more than just innovation:
“Livetec are, and will always be, at the forefront of research into more humane methods for ending the life of the animals we farm. Whether that is needed in the abattoir or on the farm, we have a responsibility to continually improve our systems for the handing and slaughter of livestock.”
What are the next steps for this project?
Concluding their report, the AWC recommended that the government should authorise the use of high expansion foam as an effective poultry depopulation method in emergency cases.
In particular high expansion nitrogen foam should be used, “in open sided flat floored sheds in preference to CGUs (Containerised Gassing Units) to eliminate the stress that results from catching.” Testing will now continue to explore how the method can be adapted for use in more complex building structures and for species other than poultry.
Livetec: leaders in biosecurity services
As the setters of global standards in biosecurity, Livetec are the go-to partner for emergency poultry depopulation solutions.
To find out more about Livetec’s industry-leading high-expansion nitrogen foam delivery system, read here.
Explore Livetec’s range of other depopulation solutions read here.