

Building the Future of Biosecurity

Over the past few years, farmyard disease has been increasing in its severity, and in its prevalence. Naturally, this is having significant impacts on both UK and global agricultural businesses. It’s becoming increasingly clear that the risk management processes that have provided protection in the past are now no longer enough.

In this report, we look at the current state of disease across the world, and examine the importance of building the future of biosecurity into today’s environments.


Exploring Today’s Biggest Agricultural Challenges

Cases of AI, African Swine Fever, and non-notifiable disease are rising each year. And a question we’re setting out to answer is ‘why?’. Of course, mutations and the emergence of new, more severe, less understood strains are the primary reason. But to gain a full picture, it’s important to consider the everyday challenges farmers are facing today, and the potential impact they’re having on disease management.

Happy farmer who has embraced biosecurity


Ongoing labour shortages caused by COVID-19, Brexit, and the war in Ukraine are greatly affecting capabilities across the supply chain. Farmers are struggling to remove livestock from the farm on schedule, resulting in the need to house more animals in overcrowded conditions.

Regulation changes

New EU laws in the European Union prohibit the use of antibiotics for mass and preventative treatments. While UK farms are not subject to these rules, mounting pressure to reduce antibiotic use in farming is resulting in many farmers limiting medical treatments for their livestock.

Rising costs

With a significant portion of animal feed coming from Russia and Ukraine, prices of feed are rising due to disruptions in exports during the war. The cost to produce meat, poultry, and eggs is rising rapidly, with many farmers questioning how much longer they can continue operating at loss.

Building the Future of Biosecurity

Together, we are not powerless. Together, we have what it takes to implement the right changes – at the right time – to build a more stable, more certain future. Download the Livetec Building the Future of Biosecurity report to learn more about turning reactive responses into proactive measures that minimise the risk of disease. 

In our report we highlight the importance of solutions such as…

  • Biosecurity services
  • Contingency planning
  • Farm Health Guardian

To find out more about the global state of disease in agriculture today, the obstacles standing in the way of building robust processes, and the most effective ways to protect farmland, animals, businesses, and the wellbeing of workers, download the Livetec Building the Future of Biosecurity report and operate with confidence.